Problem: How Agenda 21 is Being Implemented Through Canadian Municipalities

Canada signed on to UN Agenda 21 in 1992, along with 178 Nations.

Agenda 21, is the United Nations Agenda for the 21st Century.

In 1994, the Partners for Climate Protection Program was established to provide information for decision-making, based on UN Directives and technical assistance… drafting all our municipal plans with an emphasis on sustainable development, gender, diversity and inclusion and other UN directives, which restrict private property rights and drive human populations off the land and into settlement areas.

Municipalities partner with the PCP program by passing a pre-drafted Resolution in Council to join the FCM-ICLEI Partners for Climate Protection Program.

Councils decision-making options are then limited to UN Directives, and Councilors who oppose any particular UN Directive face consequences. 

The FCM slogan is “Local Action, National Results.” The globalists know the importance of our small towns and they are taking over our towns with little pushback.

Let`s turn their slogan on its head. If “Local Action equals National Results,” then

“The Solution to Globalism is Localism.”

Local Actions = Global Results:

Step One: Check if our municipalities have partnered with PCP by clicking here. (Our towns, listed below, signed on in 2018) – This step has already been done.

Step Two: Using the same link, find out what year your municipality joined. This step has already been done. (see above)

Step Three: With the help of your City Clerks Office, find the exact date the resolution to join the Partnership for Climate Protection Program was passed and who signed it? Or who is “responsible for the file.” This is the original Resolution that opened the door for UN Directives, Action Plans to be downloaded into your Municipality for Council Approval. Please contact your own town’s clerk and ask them for this information.

Step Four: Once found, use this resolution as a reference in your Agenda 21 Deputations, to avoid deputations being denied based on Jurisdiction. Deputation Template

Sidenote: Instead of using the term Agenda 21, use UN Directives…(they like that term).

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Operation Take Back Our Towns for POGG Ending the Public Private Partnership: