Current Events

Maggie Braun KICLEI

As someone who grew up in the heart of Simcoe County, Maggie Braun, is dedicated to ensuring environmental stewardship and local autonomy work hand-in-hand, supporting elected officials in making decisions that best serve our hometowns. Localism over globalism is a core principle of KICLEI.

The KICLEI movement aims to inspire others to take similar actions in their municipalities, promoting a ripple effect of positive change across the country.

Patricia Conlin Civil and Lawful Action

Patricia (Tish) Conlin is an author, international speaker and small business owner.

Tish has been outspoken on the harm of mandates/lockdowns, radical ideologies in schools, climate taxes and unsustainable mass immigration. She ran in the 2021 federal election and again in a 2024 by-election to stand up for individual rights and freedoms. As a mother of 2 boys, she is a passionate advocate of Parental Rights, protecting girls’ and women’s spaces, lower taxes and exiting the WHO/UN. She believes in uniting the community with open and respectful dialogue and opposes cancel culture and government imposed censorship.

Stephen Makk Freedom and Survival

Stephen Makk wants to share a positive vision of Canada where personal freedom, individual responsibility, and civic engagement are the core values of a good, just and flourishing society. He favours a government that sticks to the basics and gets them right. Stephen ardently supports free speech, free thought, and free markets absent of crony capitalism and regulatory capture. Stephen sees the PPC’s foundational values as the basis of a movement, not just a federal political party, that can resonate with people across the political spectrum!

David Brunelle Land Use Planning

Councilor Dave Brunelle from Tiny is a former PPC manager. As a sixth generation resident of Lafontaine, Councilor Brunelle has deep concerns for his community and strives to ensure good common sense and fiscal stewardship in our local government. He believes in safeguarding liberty and prosperity of our communities, by protecting family rights, and deeming all schools, churches and businesses as essential services. Creating an open door forum to ideas and concerns of every member of our community is a priority for Councilor Brunelle and his commitment is evident in his participation at council meetings and community engagements.