How can we help?
This website was created for men and women just like YOU!
The Midland Community Hub’s mission is to reclaim our LOCAL democracy which we believe can affect change in other levels of government. Our democracy depends on our engagement with it. We demand that our publicly elected leaders adopt an open and collaborative model where citizens and communities take a greater role in setting the agenda and increase community power in local decision making.
If you are not one for doing delegations or contacting councilors, please consider attending council meetings. Showing up can be a strong message that you care about your town and what happens there.
We suggest exploring our Town Council page, find your town, click on the agenda and attend council meeting. Contact us and ask us for tips on how you can save time but still attend council meetings.
We are passionate about empowering our local citizens to take action and get involved. Join us as we educate ourselves on the current system vs what it could be. Let’s discover the many ways we can affect change and create the type of municipality that is driven by community involvement instead of a corporate organization such as “the corporation of (insert town/township here)”
If you are concerned about having an equitable, affordable and livable municipality where your voice is heard, you are invited to leave your comments. We can also be reached via email at
We are here to help you reclaim your voice in OUR community. Let us know how we can help.