Stop the Build

Tiny Township Council wants to build an unnecessary luxury Town Hall on OUR dime. If you’re a Tiny Township Ratepayer, it’s imperative that you get involved if you want Tiny to stay affordable. There are many ways to get involved. Here are a few:

  1. Attend the next town council meeting this Wednesday June 26 at 5:30pm
  2. Review the agenda for this Wednesday’s meeting and do a deputation to voice your concerns.
  3. Join the Tiny Township: Community Discussion All Things Council Facebook Page:
  4. Visit the Tiny Cottager’s website:
  5. Visit the Tiny TRA website and become a member:

Let’s show Tiny council members and the Mayor what the “silent majority” really thinks. This council forgets who they work for. They have said, on record that they work for their staff – “Our staff are the most important to us”. They have admitted to having a conflict of interest when they said that they work for the people AND the corporation. If you believe that your municipal council should be working for the people, then its time to show our councilors that they are wrong. Their priority should be the ratepayers NOT the staff and certainly NOT the corporation.

Signs can be picked up at 139 Lefaive Rd. Signs are in the RV in the back yard. Metal yard stakes are leaning against the RV.

Donations can be e-transferred to


Anonymous cash donations can be deposited in the bowl inside the trailer.

Donations are optional. Please take a sign for free if you wish.

Signs are also available on request in Lafontaine (exact location disclosed at the time of request) AND at the next MCH meeting in Midland (contact us for location address).